Magyar English
Rub & Roll

Cardio Tennis in Gödöllő - Rub & Roll Tennis Club

Cardio tennis is intended for those interested who primarily want to improve their endurance. Due to the charm of the tennis court, the atmosphere is set, from April to the end of October, the participants can do this type of physical exercise in the open air, as part of a musical lesson.

This workout is equivalent to a more tennis-specific fitness class. Since we work with both a racket and a ball, the applicants participate in a tennis training session, but at the same time, due to the practice that develops the movement culture of tennis, it is also a classic fitness training session. No prior knowledge of the game is required to participate, only openness is required so that this combined form of exercise can be easily learned during the lessons.

This video clearly shows what class cardio tennis participants can prepare for:

What does a cardio tennis class look like??

After the warm-up, a quick introduction to the stations, as the class has circuit training in 2-3 blocks. Each block is 20-25 minutes long, in which most of the speed development, coordination skills, and strength-building exercises play a role. Each block contains a tennis-like drill exercise, where the hitting technique can be also improved. Due to the constant number of rounds, endurance also plays a big role, since the tasks must be performed without rest. Rest is only at the end of the blocks, about 3-5 minutes.

In each unit, the participants can get acquainted with new tasks, with which the nervous system receives a continuous load, and due to the maintenance of attention, the student does not feel the class is monotonous.

The session ends with a game, that everyone can play, regardless of their gaming skills.

Since the participants may have different abilities, the trainer will change the nature of the tasks, with easy and difficult variations, so that everyone gets the right load.

Come and test yourself! If you are interested in cardio tennis, you can inquire about prices and times at the following number: +36 (20) 279-8999

Attention! Registration is required for the sessions!